Sunday, October 20, 2002

My response

Ok..first things first. I'm not that "Moogie" :) Have you seen the lobes on that woman? And she gives wrinkles a bad name. :) And the teeth. My parents spent a lot of money on braces. :D I mean, take a look.

Click here

As far as what the site looks like..I borged one of the templates offered and rearranged it to suit my needs :) I'll have to remember what Dr. Pournelle says and try to block out writers cramp.

Thanks so much for your kind words. I appreciate it. A lot of work has to be done on the site. But I'm looking forward to the challenge.


PS: Did I ever tell you how I came about the name of Moogie?

Got a very nice email about the site but I can see I’ll have to clear up the misconception about my name. ;)

[10/19/2002 9:20:48 PM | Laura Gerlach]
From: John Dominik
To: Laura Gerlach
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: Updates...beginning of a website.

Well, that sucks. In a week, you've got a better looking site than mine, and I've been doing this for over two years - and web design for five before that! ;-)

It looks great, and sounds good, too. As Dr. Pournelle says, just keep banging away daily. Some days the words come, and some days, they come after you've stared at the keyboard until little blood droplets form on your forehead... ;-)

It's now on my list of things to visit daily. However, you are aware that "Moogie" was also the name (unsure of the spelling) of Quark and Rom's mother on DS9 - and she was an uncommon Ferengi woman... Didn't go around naked, had a head for business... say, I'm starting to see some parallels here (assuming you don't go around in public naked... ;-).

Oh well - now to see what sort of trouble I'll be in tomorrow... ;-)

Any comments or suggestions? Feel free to send your wisecracks or kudos: HERE. If you don't want them published, please let me know.


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