Friday, October 08, 2004

So..I mentioned that Moobear is gone for the night

And I got sucked into a sleepover that I didn't realize was going to happen? So, we decide, ok..let's take the kids out to eat for something special. I mean, what the hell? Why not? In all actuality, it was a hit. There is this Chinese/American buffet downtown that is awesome. Turns out the kids think so too.

Course..tomorrow, I'll most likely pay for this adventure into foods I shouldn't be having. Truth be told, I've been paying for a while. I'm in a funk and I don't know why. Why the hell am I making myself suffer? If I keep it up I'll land flat on my back in the hospital again.

I'm just so pissed!!! What the hell did I do to deserve this? You ever get that way? I'll get back on track again. I suspect I just needed a little bit of, oh, I don't know..guess you could call it rebellion.

One day I was fine, next..going on vacation with my husband, sans kids, first time since oldest was born. Second day of vacation...hmm...abdominal day, drive back, go to doctors. Have ultra sound two days later...wait a WEEK for, not what we thought...get scheduled for CT day have scan..whooopss...baaaaaaad thing. Get transferred by ambulance, emergency surgery indicated. Whoops...good Dr. says...lets try no food/no drink..for a week..massive antibiotics. Long in the short..after the longest week of my life (with a hell of a lot of support from my family)..I get out of hospital. Still on antibiotics..can't walk (weak)..nauseous from drug...about 4 weeks later things pick up. Long in the short of it...Doc Cut-Me-Open wants to wait to see how things are.

Now..I wait. Gotta say..things aren't looking the greatest...course, right now I ain't helping matters any.

Too much stuff going on...gonna make it get better..yes???


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