Sunday, November 07, 2004

Early Morning Conversations

I was sitting in front of my computer, surfing through my friends blogs, and checking out my email when my youngest daughter came skipping (which at that time of the morning is so not right) up to me. She was in a really good mood, which is rare for her, but as her mother, I wasn't about to try and spoil it the tranquility I felt at that moment. But I blew it. Not for her, but for me. The conversation left me questioning my ability to understand even the most simplest of life's pleasures.

Me: Hiya cutie, what's up?

Meelie No: Good.

And she happily skips away to, I would imagine, look for her father to torture him in much the same way.

It is here I ask myself why I even attempt to hold a conversation with a six year old before I've had a chance to finish my first cup of coffee. Granted, I most likely wouldn't have been able to understand it any better, but at least my head would be clear and my eyes a bit less blurry.

Is it any wonder that I don't have a better command of the English language?


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