Sunday, November 14, 2004

My dog is a serial killer

We adopted Tiny when she was about 4 months old. She was a shy, timid dog at first. That soon changed with all of the love she received from my kids, husband and I.

She took the move across country well, but was confused with the size of her new yard. At first, we lived in corporate housing, and there was no yard, so to speak. We would walk her several times a day, and she would be in heaven. After all, it was nothing different than what she was used to in California.

Then, we moved into our new house, complete with one acre of land. She didn't know what to do at first. She wouldn't go outside unless we went with her. It was best if she had a leash. This was what she was used to. This was, for quite sometime, the only way we could get her to go in the backyard.

Over time, she got used to the space. She was now on her own turf. When she was out front, she would fiercely protect our house by barking at any car that drove by.

She was, at this time, Mom's dog.

And then, she changed. I don't know what happened. It pains me to admit that I didn't notice the signs. Stalking flies and becoming so good she'd catch 9 out of 10. It didn't stop at the flies. Oh no. She moved on to every insect imaginable. She was out of control. But wait, it gets worse. We have a lot of toads and tree frogs. She couldn't resist. This was when I made the mistake of asking my husband why Tiny had foam coming out of her mouth.

I've tried reasoning with her (don't you realize that that toad most likely had a wife and 12 children he supported and you just killed him?). I've tried threatening her (back away from the spider or all of your dog treats will be given to the cat next door). All to know avail. Lord have mercy my faithful readers, I have even tried appealing to her maternal side (awww...look at this cute little tree frog. Isn't it adorable?) CHOMP! Guess not.

She hasn't gone after the snakes yet, and for that I'm grateful. I don't know what I'll do when she tackles the alligators that sometimes are seen meandering through the neighborhood.

She is now Dad's dog. I should have stuck with the fish and called it a day.


Blogger Melonie said...

A very cute serial killer none-the-less. Better warn the dog about the gators.

10:08 PM  
Blogger Amelia said...

Hmmm....I'm wondering if you should notify the FBI, they may send a profiler over, you know to help warn other insects and all..;)

5:33 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

Well, but if you could train her to stick with just the gross insects it wouldn't be all bad.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...

Oh I loved this... my little dog Jack the Jack Russell has a fondness for eating the kids' action figures. And anything with fur on it. This sometimes includes the cat, who is still breathing and has strenuous and very specific objections. :)

9:12 AM  
Blogger Moogie said...

Michele...if I could just teach her to do that I would be in heaven. Shoot...I bet a lot of the neighbors would hire her. :)

Sharon...LOL! Too funny. I would imagine your cat doesn't appreciate that very much.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Moogie said...

Thanks for the nice comments vegemite. I hope you'll keep stopping by!

5:53 PM  

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